• Frustrating things about Atheists

    I’ve been watching a lot of Bible scholarship videos lately. Bart Ehrman’s videos are pretty good. Genetically Modified Atheist. Religion for Breakfast. Others I can’t remember, and I want to get on with my article. But they rarely ever discuss the most important part of Christian life, which is the church and the preacher. “Wait,… Continue reading

  • Comparing and contrasting Hells

    Someone asked on Reddit: Why are Christians are so prone to becoming fascists? I pointed out that Christians already make themselves subservient to Christ the LORD, and how that is a few steps from becoming a fascist. Watching this video about Buddhist hells, I think another problem with Christianity is how they perceive Hell: eternal… Continue reading

  • Humankind – blackmailing my way to victory

    In the Together We Stand DLC they added a better diplomatic system. Whenever an empire pisses another empire off, Intel drops show up on the map, or if they piss off the player it shows up in the diplomatic screen. The Intel on the map is collected. The grievance in the diplomatic screen can be… Continue reading

  • Apocalypse Later

    A really disorganized rant: I overheard a small snippet of a conversation at the grocery store. “It’s the end times.” I kept my mouth firmly shut, to the point I was grinding my teeth because I think the worst lie/scam in the world is Apocalypse-ism, the lie that the world is “going to end.” Sure,… Continue reading

  • American Gods – tale of the grift

    Rant: I have been re-reading American Gods. It’s been a while. And I realized for the first time that that book perfectly captured one part of America: how grifting and stealing is integral to the American identity. It’s there from before our nation was born, stealing land from the people who already lived here. It’s… Continue reading

  • Always loved a good roast

    Rant – There is a certain class of white men, whom I have dubbed Generic White Guys, that are the most ignorant, loud mouthed people on the face of the earth. In particular, there was an article about Hank Azaria apologizing about Apu. And these mouth-breathers were angry at Hank for apologizing. “F*** them if… Continue reading

  • Responsibility

    I’ve been playing a game called Midnight Suns. It is a superhero game, but it’s deeper than that if you listen. The section that really hit me hard was when several of your teammates break the rules to save of one of their friends because it feels like to them that the older people on… Continue reading

  • The Dishwasher that didn’t

    I hate corporations. We pay them money, sometimes a lot of money, and how do they award us? With incompetence and runaround. I ordered a dishwasher two weeks ago. Paid a lot of money. And the installation has been rescheduled twice, and I just got off the phone and the installer said that the dishwasher… Continue reading

  • Waging war on a mentality

    Philosophy Rant: So I have been waging a one man war on a mentality. To start with, there are a lot of angry young people out there because the way our economy has pretty much left them in the trash (housing prices, stagnant wages, and so much more.) And they are looking for people to… Continue reading

  • “Let’s debate!”

    When someone says, “Let’s debate,” there is at least a 75% chance that he is an asshole. When someone laughs at this, there is a 99% chance he’s an asshole. Continue reading